Monday, February 25, 2019

What Are the Most Prominent Acne Scar Removal Options?

Your face is scarred and you decide to take a trip to the acne scars Dublin? Well, choosing this step is often criticized by some and praised by others. Some people remove the scars because they get emotionally affected by the ugliness of it. For some others, acne leaves disfiguring scars, which change the topography of their face, and they choose to restore the appearance of the skin. If you want to remove the scars, the best way is to consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. There are several treatments available in the market and the dermatologist can guide you to the right ones.

Want to know more about the treatment options? Check out the below information gathered by the professionals of skin peel Dublin.


This is one of the majorly effective scar removal treatments which are very popular among the patients. In this technique, the professionals of acne scars Dublin use a high-speed brush or other types of instruments, to re-engineer the surface of your scarred skin. This technique reduces the depths of the scars, but the only problem is you have to wait for several days to heal fully.


This is less abrasive than the previous ones. In this procedure, the dermatologists spray very small crystals to remove the surface of the skin. The skin does not require any time to heal, but, you might need several seats before getting the perfect result.

Chemical Peels

These are great for the shallow acne scars. The chemical peels reduce the appearance of the acne scars and also lessens the post inflammatory hyperpigmentation surrounding a healed acne lesion. In skin peel Dublin, the chemical peel is administered by a doctor, nurse, or nurse practitioner. The procedure involves applying a chemical to your skin which removes the outer layer. The removal exposes the fresher and smoother skin which stays underneath of the upper layer. You might experience some redness and peeling depending on the strength of the chemical applied to your face.

Retinoic acid

Certain tissues should not be treated with the help of traditional methods. Retinoic acid cream applied directly on these tissues can help to reduce the appearance of the scars. According to the dermatologists, this treatment is more beneficial for keloid scars.

Treating acne scars is a serious business, and you should treat the procedure accordingly. Never take the advice of the dermatologists lightly. Consult with them before taking the leaps. Just apply some caution, and all will be fine.

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